Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Resources


  • NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA)
    • The Fiscal Years 2023–2027 NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility articulates NIH’s commitment to embracing, strengthening, and integrating DEIA across all NIH activities to achieve the agency’s mission. It represents one facet of NIH’s stewardship of federal dollars and contributes to maintaining transparency and accountability to its community.
  • NIH STrategies to enRich Inclusion and achieVe Equity (STRIVE) Initiative
    • NIH initiative to identify and address structural racism within the NIH-supported and the greater scientific community
    • The STRIVE Scientific Workforce Diversity Committee aims to foster DEIA within NICHD extramural workforce and training programs andinvites you to participate in a virtual workshop titled, “Path to Enhancing Scientific Workforce Diversity” on May 18, 2022, 12 noon to 5pm EST. This workshop will identify strategies for developing and sustaining an equitable, diverse, inclusive, and accessible scientific workforce within NICHD’s mission: Healthy pregnancies. Healthy children. Healthy and optimal lives. Information gleaned from the workshop will inform SWD’s action plan and NICHD’s efforts to help improve DEIA within the scientific community.  Register Here!


  • NIH UNITE Initiative
    • NIH initiative to improve equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in all aspects of its research and workforce

  • NIH AIM-AHEAD Program
    • Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity (AIM-AHEAD) program seeks to enhance the participation and representation of researchers and communities currently underrepresented in the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning models

  • "Academia’s ableist culture laid bare" at Nature journal website
    • Four group leaders with disabilities share their thoughts on how to make laboratories and fieldwork more accessible and inclusive.

  • "Striving for Diversity in Research Studies" article at New England Journal of Medicine website
    • Editorial calling for research participants to better reflect the racial identity, ethnicity, age, or sex and gender of patients overall.

  • Diversity session recording from the Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research Workshop, January 2022
    • Michael de Arellano, Ph.D., and Gregory Hicks, Ph.D., discuss diversity in rehabilitation research

  • Achieving Research Equity & Inclusion Virtual Conference
    • Mass Brigham General event offers ideas for organization to transform the research enterprise and positively change the health and lives of those living with the impacts of health inequities