Rehabilitation Research News

July 22, 2024

In the July 22 edition of NCMRR Rehabilitation Research News, NCMRR Director Theresa Cruz celebrates Disability Pride Month! Dr. Cruz reminds you that applications for RFA-HD-25-001, the Medical Rehabilitation Research Resource (P50) funding mechanism, are due July 30, 2024. She also points out that applications for RFA-EI-24-003, the National Eye Institute’s Research for Low Vision and Blindness Accessibility Tools (R61/R33) funding mechanism, are due August 13, 2024.

In addition, Dr. Cruz reminds you that applications to attend the Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research (TIGRR) workshop are open until August 14, 2024, and that the registration deadline to attend the FDA/NIH joint workshop, Developing Implanted Brain-Computer Interface Clinical Outcome Assessments to Demonstrate Benefit, is September 12, 2024.

Of course, there's always an abundance of notices and funding opportunities in the newsletter as well, so read the newsletter, see past editions, and subscribe!